July Job Front Update
Posted by YarrVee on Jul 23 2015, in Travel & Events

–== 2015 Cost of RV Life ==–
190 Days on the Road
42 Free nights
161 Paid nights
203 Total nights
2015 Total Spent: $8974.61
2015 Average Daily Cost (lodging only): $22.36/day
2015 Average Daily Cost (lodging + fuel): $35.46/day
2014 Average Daily Cost: $43.49/day
–== WHERE AM I NOW? ==–
Follow my adventures in realtime at: http://www.YarrVee.com
Hey, Everyone!
I don’t know why I’m still wearing these…
I got an update! I went and looked at one of the potential jobs – I’m going to turn it down. As much as I would love to take it, it’s substantially less money than the other job – 10% less, and it’s much further away and would be much more expensive for me to get there. So I’m going to turn that one down. I’m still hoping for the really super awesome job to come through! But I got word today that the hiring manager is going wait until after she has talked to all of the candidates before making a decision, rather than just talking to one or two awesome ones and then picking from them. So, I don’t know how that’s going to go. I think that I’ve got a really great shot at it, and that one is 100% remote, which would be awesome.
In the interim, I’m going to be…I can talk about it a little bit…It’s, I’m going to be sending some paperwork to the recruiter, and I’m going to be working at Sprouts, in their corporate headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona. So, I’m searching for a place to put the jacks down in Arizona. It’s gonna SUCK for the first couple of months, but I think Mister Figs there will be allright because we’ve got two air conditioners and 50 amp power!
Aside from that, I haven’t had a whole lot of time to do anything else yet. I got up this morning and dealt with some job stuff, surfed the internet for a little bit, answered all of your comments all day today, and then I went over to my mom’s house. My mom and I, we haven’t had a whole lot of time around each other in over a decade, so every time I go over there, it’s at least 4 hours of us just sitting and talking! I did some work for her, wrapped up some recycling, straightened up the garage a little bit… I did a terrible terrible thing and I introduced my mom to Reddit, and she went through and picked some subreddits and she said, “Now I’m never going to get anything done…at all.”
Then I came back here and messed around on the computer for a little bit, and now I’m shooting you guys a video!
I hope you guys had a fantastic day! Thank you for all the well wishes for Mary and myself. She says she’s looking forward to the job interview tomorrow. She’s hoping she does well at it. I was going to mention some other stuff she said, but I don’t remember it!
I’m going to send this out pretty much unedited! I’m going to Be Brave like RV Lady says!
Yeah, I think that’s about all I’ve got for tonight! On deck for tomorrow is maybe going and doing a little sightseeing while I have a little sights to see here, finishing up some paperwork, sending out some PDFs, and starting to get the coach ready because if I’m going to be in Phoenix for the 3rd of August, then I need to leave not later than the middle of next week. and there’s some stuff I’ve got to do around here to get ready for that!
So I hope you all had a fantastic day, and thanks for coming along for All The Adventure, None of the Scurvy! We’ll hopefully talk to you guys tomorrow!