2015-01-12 – Goodies for the YarrVee!
Posted by YarrVee on Jan 12 2015, in People & Blogs

Some goodies for the coach just arrived. They’re still cold to the touch from being in the unheated UPS truck.
EDIT 1: I don’t know why it showed up sideways. I’m a huge believer in Friends Don’t Let Friends Shoot Portrait Video. _sigh_…
EDIT 2: The NanoStation M2 is working, and it’s amazing.
EDIT 3: I was able to rotate the video in the YouTube Editor! I had no idea it could do that now!
As always, the best place to follow my journey is at the website: http://www.YarrVee.com YouTube just gets videos, while the website gets the Videos, plus Instagram (CAT PICTURES), Twitter, Foursquare checkins, and Blog Posts!
–==2015 Cost of RV Life==–
12 Free nights
0 Paid nights
12 Total nights
2015 Total Spent: $392.21
2015 Average Daily Cost: $32.68/day
2014 Average Daily Cost: $43.49/day
Tweets by YarrVee
411 Walnut Street #9806
Green Cove Springs, FL 32043-3443
–==2015 Itinerary==–
January 10, 2015 – Amarillo, TX
January 11-12, 2015 – DFW, TX
January 13-14, 2015 – Houston, TX
January 15-16, 2015 – New Orleans, LA
January 17-18, 2015 – Pensacola, FL
January 19-?, 2015 – Jacksonville, FL”
March 13-22, 2015 – Austin, TX
SXSW – http://sxsw.com/
April 19-24, 2015 – Las Vegas, NV
ServiceNow Knowledge15 – http://knowledge.servicenow.com/
September 4-7. 2015 – Atlanta, GA
Dragoncon – http://www.dragoncon.org/