U2 Can Play on The Edge!
Posted by YarrVee on Jan 20 2016, in

Tonight after work, I spent a few minutes troubleshooting Guitar Rig + Reaper, and then I spent a couple hours learning one of my favorite riffs of all time! After 2.5 hours of setup, YouTube tutorials, looking at tablature for the riff, dialing in the delay, and straight practicing, I’m about 60-65% happy with my ability to play it at this point
Thanks for the inspiration, Kartoff1!
_,.-‘~’-.,__,.-‘~’-.,_ 2016 Cost of RV Life _,.-‘~’-.,__,.-‘~’-.,_
371 Days on the Road
0 Free nights
19 Paid nights
19 Total nights
2015 Total Spent: $588.68
2016 Average Daily Cost (lodging only): $19.37/day
2016 Average Daily Cost (lodging + fuel): $30.98/day
2016 Average Daily Cost (everything): $30.98/day
2015 Average Daily Cost: $44.85/day (Incl. RV Payment)
2015 Average Daily Cost $33.02/day (No RV Payment)
2014 Average Daily Cost: $43.49/day (Apartment Life)
_,.-‘~’-.,__,.-‘~’-.,_ WHERE AM I NOW? _,.-‘~’-.,__,.-‘~’-.,_
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