Editing and Uploading The Sarah Show
Posted by YarrVee on Jan 25 2016, in

I spent a good chunk of Saturday editing Session 9 of the Podcast – didn’t like how it was coming out at all, scrapped it, and started over Saturday night, cutting the show into ~30 minute chunks, starting with a question.
I’m hoping y’all jump on it, and add comments with the timecodes of the questions that aren’t at the start of the videos, so we can work together to crowdsource making the podcast videos better. I got about 1/3 of the way through Session 9.1 on my own.
Lots of things on my mind lately – some of which will make it into videos this week.
_,.-‘~’-.,__,.-‘~’-.,_ 2016 Cost of RV Life _,.-‘~’-.,__,.-‘~’-.,_
376 Days on the Road
0 Free nights
24 Paid nights
24 Total nights
2015 Total Spent: $743.59
2016 Average Daily Cost (lodging only): $19.37/day
2016 Average Daily Cost (lodging + fuel): $30.98/day
2016 Average Daily Cost (everything): $30.98/day
2015 Average Daily Cost: $44.85/day (Incl. RV Payment)
2015 Average Daily Cost $33.02/day (No RV Payment)
2014 Average Daily Cost: $43.49/day (Apartment Life)
_,.-‘~’-.,__,.-‘~’-.,_ WHERE AM I NOW? _,.-‘~’-.,__,.-‘~’-.,_
Follow my adventures in realtime at: http://www.YarrVee.com
Keep up with The Nomadic Fanatics Podcast at http://www.TheNomadicFanatics.com