Posted by YarrVee on Jan 21 2016, in

Steven Van Wel, CEO of announced some sweeping and profound changes to Karma Unlimited on January 18th.
Karma _”Unlimited”_ Users are now “Un”Limited to 15GB per month at 5 Mbps before you will find yourself being *massively* throttled down to 64-128 Kbps.
For comparison – those speeds are somewhere between 1.15 and 2.25x as fast as *DIAL UP*
As far as a Cellular Network Connection Speed comparison goes?
**Welcome to 2002**
For Nomads on YouTube, the changes are very…Bad Karma.
*Needless to say* – I cannot recommend Karma Unlimited for Nomads, and I’m happy that I had the pre-existing sidelines of business to qualify for an unlimited LTE hotspot on the Sprint network through
_,.-‘~’-.,__,.-‘~’-.,_ 2016 Cost of RV Life _,.-‘~’-.,__,.-‘~’-.,_
372 Days on the Road
0 Free nights
20 Paid nights
20 Total nights
2015 Total Spent: $619.66
2016 Average Daily Cost (lodging only): $19.37/day
2016 Average Daily Cost (lodging + fuel): $30.98/day
2016 Average Daily Cost (everything): $30.98/day
2015 Average Daily Cost: $44.85/day (Incl. RV Payment)
2015 Average Daily Cost $33.02/day (No RV Payment)
2014 Average Daily Cost: $43.49/day (Apartment Life)
_,.-‘~’-.,__,.-‘~’-.,_ WHERE AM I NOW? _,.-‘~’-.,__,.-‘~’-.,_
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